Mark Lowrey

If you don't have heretical ideas brought up in your bible studies, you're doing something wrong.

—Attributed to Mark Lowrey, the founder of RUF


  1. But do you correct those views based on proofs from scripture?

  2. That is not the role of the student leaders here at RUF. We pray that the truth would be made known through the discussion of the passage under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

  3. But would another member of the study question an obvious misinterpretation? You've mentioned this study style before. I'd like to sit through one, but it might frustrate me to hear error. But you give credit where it's due -- the Word is alive, more powerful than a sword!

  4. I certainly would! Sometimes it is not corrected, when the error originates in the holder's denominational beliefs. But you don't have to sit meekly through it - it's supposed to be a discussion, where different perspectives can interact and gain insight.
