Power and Preemption

Power and preemption are the touchstones of the vision of the anointed, however much that vision is described in terms of the beneficent goals it is seeking. —Thomas Sowell, The Vision of the Anointed.

Modern monetary theory

MMT isn't new. From the first coin debasement through the Keynesian myths, "politicians have unceasingly recommended more deficit spending in order to cure or reduce existing unemployment ... systematically diverting attention from the real causes of our unemployment ... government economic interventions." —Henry Hazlitt, 1978.

The Confidence Trick

The purpose of the confidence man is not to convince skeptics but to help others to believe what they already want to believe. Displaying the paraphernalia of evidence, embellished with appropriate rhetoric, accomplished that important purpose. —Thomas Sowell, The Quest for Cosmic Justice, page 123